The Beast and the Rose
Posted by dewight in FREE Fiction on September 9
The Beast and the Rose Bertram woke up with a horrible taste in his mouth, a throbbing head, and a cold metal collar wrapped around his neck. The last thing he remembered was sitting in the Greenway Pub with a cute guy buying him drink after drink. Bert wasn’t much of a drinker, b ut […]
The Ghost, the Watch, and the Tree
Posted by dewight in FREE Fiction on August 8
I’m on a tree kick for some reason – it may have to do with living in the desert and missing trees. I hope you enjoy. The Ghost, the Watch, and the Tree “Honey, where’s my watch?” “What watch?” The indifference in Marsha’s voice was palpable. “My great-grandfather’s watch,” I entered the living room […]
The Trees
Posted by dewight in FREE Fiction on July 8
The Trees We were trying to save the world. That sounds noble, right? It all started with an invitation through the university mail system to meet with Doctor Winifred Paulson, a famous climatologist. I’m a botanist, why would a climatologist want to meet me? I didn’t want to second guess the invitation. Maybe this was […]
Time to get back on the swayback nag of a horse
Hello everyone, I know it’s been a while and you’re probably saying, “Ed who?” Without going into detail because you probably don’t want to hear about the disaster that has been my life for the past year and a half, I realize that I have had no desire or drive to write anything for that […]
I made a board game and you can get it for FREE
Posted by dewight in FREE Fiction on July 21
I’ve been designing board, card, RPG, and other tabletop games for years. I mostly do it for fun and share it with my friends. This game was an original concept that just won’t let me sleep at night unless I get it out into the world. It’s called “I’m Going Straight To…” It’s a game […]
Mask – Free Short Fiction
Posted by dewight in FREE Fiction on April 2
The man had worn a mask for so long he forgot who he was. He had been wearing the same mask for years and his identity had become a mystery to everyone he met. He did not remember who he was without it; he had forgotten his true identity and existed in a void. One […]