Trapped in the Dark

Trapped in the Dark


#picturefiction #flashfiction

Darkness surrounded him like a heavy shroud. He could feel it  pressing close about him. It was palpable, like a fog. It seemed as if it were composed of layers. Each time he strained his eyes to see through the Stygian dark another layer pressed in closer robbing the hints of vision from him once again.
He took a step to the left, then the right; forward then back again. Each way was as blindly pointless as the last.
“What do you want from me?” He screamed.
Flickering like an epileptic having a fit, dim lights sprang into existence leading away from him.
After the darkness, the firefly brightness of the path seemed like the sun.
A tunnel led away into the distance. At least he had a path to travel now, even if it was a path provided by his enemies.
He looked behind into the darkness, then ahead to the beckoning tunnel. He nodded, resigned, and stepped forward. Better to see his fate than await it cowering in the darkness.


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