Time to get back on the swayback nag of a horse

Hello everyone,

I know it’s been a while and you’re probably saying, “Ed who?”

Without going into detail because you probably don’t want to hear about the disaster that has been my life for the past year and a half, I realize that I have had no desire or drive to write anything for that period thanks to the varied upheavals that have entered my personal space.

I have to fix this otherwise inertia will take over completely and I might as well hang up the keyboard and never write again, and I hate quitters – especially when they’re me.

I also don’t want to quit because I know I still have some stories to tell. If nothing else, I have the 3rd and final Spacefarer book completely envisioned and yearning for words and I have a couple of other unfinished stories.

I make no promises of consistency or even quality right now as I haven’t written for over a year and my brain still balks every time I think about writing but I MUST TRY…. DAMMIT.

I’m going back to the early days – I’m going to start writing flash fiction (under 2,000 words) and posting on the website to try to kickstart my brain into doing this again. It may work – it may not; either way, you’ll get at least some new bits of fiction to fill a few minutes of your day.

Please bear with me, it will probably be a shaky start but I hope the process takes me back into my zone where I can write regularly again. I hope you’re sticking around for this ride. I appreciate everyone who has remained a subscriber and/or bought my existing books.

I promise the first story this week. I will post as I can, not on a schedule. It could be multiple a week or one every few weeks – time will tell.


Thanks again for reading. Wish me luck.



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