Posts Tagged FlashesofDarkness-year1

The Dark Cloud

#flashfiction The sun was shining; the seagulls laughed and shrieked at each other in competition for the tidbits tossed into the air by the sun worshippers. It was a typical July day at the beach. Jennifer toweled off after her foray into the surf and then, after surreptitiously posing for the lustful eyes that she […]


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Ghost Cloak

#flashfiction “It’s a what?” Harvey glared at the merchant and shook the white cloth at him. “A Ghost Cloak,” he said again. The proprietor of The Curious Shopper was tiny. He was so tiny that when Harvey had entered the shop he had thought it was unoccupied until a voice addressed him from below the […]


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My Pet

#flashfiction “What do you mean you got a pet?” Venkat rolled his eyes at Barry’s tone. Barry was the fussy one of the pair. His idea of proper apartment living was existing in a sterile, Better Homes and Gardens cover worthy apartment that was better suited for objects than people. The men were as polar […]


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The Egg

#flashfiction “Don’t they have that exact same egg in the window over at Macy’s?” I glanced at the window display which Mary had stopped to stare at. There sat an enormous iridescent green egg amid gilded branches, smartly dressed mannequins, and products that Macy’s wished to push for the holiday weekend. “I think I read […]


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Time Machine

#flashfiction “You see Griswold the theory of temporal travel has always been a passion of mine.” Lord Cavendish topped off my sherry and returned to his wingback chair. “Surely sir,” I said. “The past has already happened and the future is yet to be born. How could one ever hope to view such things. It […]


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I Was On Fire

#flashfiction I was on fire. I know, I say it like it’s not a big thing although it usually is. So, like I was saying, I was on fire. Flames were all around me, they coated my clothing, caressed my skin, entwined in my hair. There was not a single inch of my person that […]


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