Hell Ascendant – Episode 1

Title: Hell Ascendant - Episode 1
Series: Hell Ascendant #1
Release Date: January 3, 2016
Genre: ,
Pages: 60

A tale of the apocalypse.

Would you betray one of your friends to save the lives of all the rest?

Jealousy, greed, hubris, lust; all these things have always plagued mankind. It is no different when Hell comes to Earth

The apocalypse arrived without fanfare and with the dawn on April 1st.

It sounds like a joke, but when Satan himself shouts April Fools it's pretty serious.

According to legend, there are in each generation a few righteous humans who prevent the rest of us from being destroyed. Through their good deeds and their loving spirit, they save the world over and over again. They're not famous saints. They go about their business anonymously, and no one knows how crucial they are to our well-being.

When the apocalypse comes and Hell ascends to the Earth, they might just be the most important people alive.

Episode 1 of this sprawling saga of Hell come to Earth follows Lucas Devereaux. Former soldier turned auto mechanic, turned apocalypse survivor, he leads a band of frightened men and women through Hell on Earth trying to stay alive in the changed world. He just has to survive hell hounds, demons, and the hatreds that humans still carry even after the world ends.

When a demon demands a sacrifice of the survivors, will they betray one of their own or die?

Also in this series:

The apocalypse arrived without fanfare and with the dawn on April 1st.

It sounds like a joke, but when Satan himself shouts April Fools it's pretty serious.

Anyone who has ever lived near the sea has heard the old adage: red sky at morning, sailor take warning. On April 1st the sky certainly turned red. Blood appeared to be flowing up the shafts of sunlight. The blood spread over the horizon until the entire sky was a wavering red color. The sun dimmed behind the bloody pall. In the end it appeared to be nothing more than a dull cinder. It barely shed enough light, even at noon, to give the appearance of deep twilight. That's when the gates of Hell opened on the Earth.

Lucas Devereaux flashed back to the exact moment the world ended. The ground had shaken exactly as it was shaking now.

He had been on Route 7, westbound through Virginia from the District of Columbia in his tow truck. He had slept off the evening’s excesses in the cabin of the grease stained vehicle. He was racing the coming dawn back to Purcellville. He hoped  his boss didn't notice that the truck had never returned from its late night tow. The sun had crested the horizon and the ground began to shake. It reminded Lucas of an earthquake from a few years earlier. This one was longer and stronger than the one that had cracked the back wall of the garage. The few westbound vehicles skidded across the blacktop as the road heaved. His truck had stalled and rolled to a stop as the blood began to fill the sky. His attempts to restart the engine did not elicit even a click from the starter. Every car in sight ha died at the same time. This temblor was not as violent but he knew it was equally portentous.

“Oh God, now what?” Veronica Chin screamed from further down the slope.

The former secretary whipped her head from side to side searching for danger. Her eyes were wide, on the edge of panic. Every time the ground shook in this new Hell transformed world something horrible happened. Some beast was sure to spring from the pit to try to kill any human within sight.

“Shut up, or you’ll draw whatever it is to us,” Scott Bath shouted at the panic stricken woman.

Scott’s face was bright red from the exertion of the climb up the mountain slope. His job as an executive at a Fortune 500 company had not prepared him for running for his life.

“Scott, calm down. She’s just afraid and screaming won’t help anyone,” Jessie Bertram said. At seventeen the blonde high school girl was the youngest of the group. Lucas had found her beset by an  animated skeleton outside of Winchester.



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